Sunday, December 14, 2008

Present and Future

This is the first post of my personal blog.

And I have nothing.

This is much harder then I thought, so if I babble, sorry.

My 5th semester of college just ended, and I will admit, it was the worst yet. Being an adult is much harder then I ever thought, and I just keep hearing "I told you so.." over and over. But still, I have to agree with the "I told you so's.." because they were right....ew never thought I would say that.

So with the thought of school and life in general, it makes me realize that I still have no idea what I am going to do after college.......
-Go to Grad School
-Get married and have babies (eh)
-Travel the world living out of a backpack
-Sit on a couch and eat potato chips
-Work as a waitress at a diner in New York
-Buy a bookstore, close the doors, and never leave
-Move to a beach and learn to surf
-Go to Vegas and become a Showgirl

So, I am asking myself, and the very few people who will ever see this blog, what should I do...or shouldn't.